Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ethiopia- Income Generating Activity (IGA)

ENA has been working in Ethiopia for over 13 years and just made a groundbreaking advance this month!! Due to our outstanding reputation and long standing history of following through with all promised projects, the Ethiopian government nominated us to be the first NGO to ever be the recipients of a land donation for our newest Income Generating Activity (IGA). 

ENA located 100 women that are HIV positive and developed a Cattle Husbandry project to help them generate income to help strengthen their families and improve their quality of life. 70 of the women are already receiving training and the other 30 will begin by month end.  

ENA acquired the land pictured below last month and we have been busy making it an adequate space for cattle to dwell and thrive. Proper shelter is currently under construction and once completed ENA will purchase 100 calves for them to raise and fatten up, so they can then, in turn, be sold for profit. 

This is an amazing program that we are very honored to be able to implement in Ethiopia! We hope that it will strengthen and bless the families' of the women in the program, as well as, those within the  surrounding community. 

To learn more about our IGA programs or donate to future ventures please visit us at our website here or contact

1 comment:

  1. Roots Ethiopia finds that IGAs and school sponsorships are unequivocally entwined.Without steady income,families can't bear to extra their school-aged children amid the day, and accordingly,the children don't go to school.Results for IGA's dependably bring about the same main two achievements for families — dietary security and the instruction of the family's children.
    Stream Africa
