Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ethiopia- Akako Well Drilled!!!

Did you know???
 85% of the world's population lives in the driest half of the planet?
783 million people do not have access to clean water?
2.5 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation?
Ethiopia lies in the heart of the world's water crisis.
Those living in and around the village of Akako were suffering the devastating effects of an unsanitary and inadequate water supply until Engage Now Africa installed the first phase of a well! 
This crowded, dirty, standing water hole was the only water resource for over 5000 people. Every day men, women and children would walk to the water hole to retrieve the muddy water for drinking, cooking, bathing and to provide drinking water for their livestock.

However, everything changed when ENA drilled the first phase of a deep water well for them!!

The photos below showcase the beginning of the drilling of the Akako well.  After drilling to 200 meters, clean and pure water was reached !!!  The well now provides water to 5000 people in several rural villages.


Hand pumps for the water pipe will be installed this week which will allow the villagers to fill water containers more easily and only access the water when needed to conserve this precious, life saving resource.
ENA hopes to raise enough funds to being the next phase of drilling in early 2015.  Once complete, the well will provide several water stations that can be used to provide water for livestock and irrigating crops.
With your continued to support, we hope to provide drinking water and an overall healthier lifestyle for these 5,000 villagers for many years to come.
If you would like to donate to the Akako Well project, please visit our website at or click here!!!

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