Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ghana- Clean Water for Residents of Nkwatia

Water is a basic necessity of life. Yet millions of people living in developing countries lack access to portable water. In Ghana, access to safe water remains one of the critical problems confronting rural communities. Information gathered from the Community Water and Sanitation Authority (CWSA) of Ghana indicates that at the end of 2008, only 48 percent of Ghana’s rural population was adequately supplied with clean safe water (Kokutse, 2009). Diseases from unsafe water such as diarrhea, dysentery and guinea worm kill more people  every year than all forms of violence.  The World Health Organistion (WHO) reports that over 3.6% of the global disease burden can be prevented by improving water supply. It is against this  background that ENA is partnering with communities to provide safe drinking water  to thousands of people living in Ghana.

Nkwatia is a village in the Kwahu East district in the Easter Region of Ghana with a population of 1000. The area is surrounded by beautiful ridges and picturesque caves and escarpments. It has a serene atmosphere due to its altitude. There are a number of water falls also in this community yet inhabitants of Nkwatia lack access to clean and safe water. The hilly nature of the community makes it very difficult for people to enjoy pipe borne water.
For decades the people of Nkwatia have been depending on  Omankyene river as their main source of water for drinking and  other domestic purposes. This source of water is unhygienic and has a negative impact on the activities of the community members especially women and children.  Many of them complained of various forms of skin diseases, diarrhea and other water borne related diseases.
Main source of water for Nkwatia community before intervention by ENA.

ENA working in alliance with the Nkwatia Development Foundation and the inhabitants of the community provided a mechanized borehole.
Drilling of borehole

 Mechanized borehole with overhead storage tanks


 The availability of safe drinking water is expected to improve the health condition of the people in this area. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Namibia- Community Attends ENA's Presentation of School Supplies

Last April, we announced that we would be supporting a group of orphans and at risk children who attend school at the Nyangana and Ndiyona combine schools in rural Namibia. To see that post and learn more about these children, visit us here.

We are happy to provide you with an update on the children and, as promised by ENA, we recently held a ceremony where we presented all of the children with much needed tuition, school and personal supplies. During the ceremony, ENA provided each child with schools bags, school uniforms, personal toiletries and monetary donations to cover the entire cost of their school development funds. 

We had a wonderful turnout for the event and are excited to share pictures from this exciting day with you!

Presentation of supply materials with with Petrus (Nyangana school principal), Mangundu (the political honorable counselor of hte Ndiyona constituency) and Richard (ENA Executive Director for Africa Operations).

The Giricu tribe chief attended the ceremony and is congratulating two female students.

To support ENA and our Orphan and Education Initiatives, visit us here!!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Namibia- ENA Recognized by Catholic Health Services

Congratulations to ENA and our amazing staff in Namibia!!

This certificate was given to ENA for recognition and appreciation for the work we are doing at the Nyangana Catholic District Hospital in Nyangana, Namibia. 

Specifically, ENA is supporting the Peadiatric HIV/AIDS clinic, built a pharmacy and antenatal maternity room that serves the entire community and has given donations of delivery kits, blood pressure monitors and blood pressure cuffs.

We are grateful to be recognized for the medical services we are grateful to give to the people of Namibia. 

To learn more about ENA's medical services and health initiatives, visit us here!!